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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Standalone Monitoring of Linux Server

I was surfing and suddenly I came across a software which can monitor on which we install it. I found it very useful for those guys who don't wants OR can't configure (Because of some access restrictions) Nagios kind of application for monitoring linux servers. It is like dashboard which can show you all useful information about your server. 

Advantage: If you can write some php code then you can add your own custom monitoring block.

I am going to demonstrate installation of linux-dash installation on centos-6.3.

You need below packages installed on that host.
httpd, mysql, mysql-server, php5, php5-json subversion

Also you have to add iptables rule to allow request on 80 port from outside of network.

Download code in to your webroot directory.
[root@monitoringhost html]# svn co
[root@monitoringhost html]# mv trunk linux-dash
[root@monitoringhost html]# chown apache:apache linux-dash/ -R

Thats it.

Now you can browse url of your host in browser and can see host status any time.

You will see below screen in browser.

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