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Script snippets for piping commands

Script snippets for piping commands

The following scripts do nice things as a part of a pipe.

Table 1.26. List of script snippets for piping commands

script snippet
 (type in one line)
effect of command
|find /usr -print find all files under "/usr"
|seq 1 100 print 1 to 100
| xargs -n 1 <command> run command repeatedly with each item from pipe as its argument
| xargs -n 1 echo split white-space-separated items from pipe into lines
| xargs echo merge all lines from pipe into a line
| grep -e <regex_pattern> extract lines from pipe containing <regex_pattern>
| grep -v -e <regex_pattern> extract lines from pipe not containing <regex_pattern>
| cut -d: -f3 - extract third field from pipe separated by ":" (passwd file etc.)
| awk '{ print $3 }' extract third field from pipe separated by whitespaces
| awk -F'\t' '{ print $3 }' extract third field from pipe separated by tab
| col -bx remove backspace and expand tabs to spaces
| expand - expand tabs
| sort| uniq sort and remove duplicates
| tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' convert uppercase to lowercase
| tr -d '\n' concatenate lines into one line
| tr -d '\r' remove CR
| sed 's/^/# /' add "#" to the start of each line
| sed 's/\.ext//g' remove ".ext"
| sed -n -e 2p print the second line
| head -n 2 - print the first 2 lines
| tail -n 2 - print the last 2 lines

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