Hello guys,
I would like to share how to install PNP4Nagios and integrate with nagios to see graphs.
With nagios if you want to configure graphs for your any of the services you need performance data as part in output.
Performance Data: Plugins can return optional performance data in their output by sending the normal, human-readable text string that they usually would, followed by a pipe character (|), and then a string containing one or more performance data metrics. Let's take the check_ping plugin as an example and assume that it has been enhanced to return percent packet loss and average round trip time as performance data metrics.
Sample output from the plugin might look like this:
PING ok - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.80 ms | percent_packet_loss=0, rta=0.80
If you are new to performance data see below link for more information:
Performance Data
Installation and configuration of PNP4Nagios:
Step1: Install pnp4nagios and rrdtool-perl package
yum install pnp4nagios* rrdtool-perl
Step2: Change some parameters in nagios Configuration file
Edit the performance data section of /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg:
Enable performance data by adding following line
Define path where performance data files should be stored.
Create /var/perfdatanagios/ direcrtory and change permission.
mkdir /var/perfdatanagios/
chown nagios:apache /var/perfdatanagios/
chmod 775 /var/perfdatanagios
Now add below performance data templates lines
Change below parameters
Change interval to process perfdata
Add commands to check perfdata
Now create commands in commands.cfg file to process performance data as below:
define command {
command_name process-service-perfdata-file
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/plugins/process_perfdata.pl --bulk=/var/perfdatanagios/service-perfdata
define command {
command_name process-host-perfdata-file
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/plugins/process_perfdata.pl --bulk=/var/perfdatanagios/host-perfdata
Note: use your plugin directory path.
Download process_perfdata.pl
wget https://raw.github.com/willixix/WL-NagiosPlugins/master/graphing_templates/pnp4nagios/process_perfdata.pl
Change ownership and permissions as below.
chown nagios:nagios process_perfdata.pl
chmod +x process_perfdata.pl
change conf array in process_perfdata.pl plugin according to your configuration in /etc/pnp4nagios/process_perfdata.cfg and /etc/pnp4nagios/config.php.
Change below parameters /etc/pnp4nagios/config.php
$conf['rrdtool'] = "/usr/bin/rrdtool";
$conf['rrdbase'] = "/var/perfdatanagios/";
$conf['page_dir'] = "/etc/pnp4nagios/pages/";
find below strings in process_perfdata.pl file and change its value according to your environment.
RRDPATH => "/var/perfdatanagios/",
RRA_CFG => "/etc/pnp4nagios/rra.cfg",
STATS_DIR => "/var/log/pnp4nagios/stats",
LOG_FILE => "/var/log/pnp4nagios/perfdata.log",
find below strings in process_perfdata.cfg file and change its value according to your environment.
RRDPATH = /var/perfdatanagios/ ## [ path of perfdata directory ]
RRA_CFG = /etc/pnp4nagios/rra.cfg ## [ path of rra.cfg file]
STATS_DIR = /var/log/pnp4nagios/stats ## [ create directory /var/log/pnp4nagios/stats ]
LOG_FILE = /var/log/pnp4nagios/pnp4nagios.log
Add below line
Move process_perfdata.pl plugin to you your plugin directory
mv process_perfdata.pl /usr/local/nagios/libexec/plugins/
Add below line in generic-host template in /etc/nagios/lconf/default-templates.cfg
action_url /pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$
Add below line in generic-service template in /etc/nagios/lconf/default-templates.cfg file
action_url /pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$
Now Restart Nagios and Httpd service.
service nagios restart
service httpd restart
Now you can see new graph icon before service name in Nagios UI.