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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Recieving and Sending SNMP TRAP Configuration

SNMP Traps

Sending SNMP traps on a Remote Linux/Windows System 

Download SNMP Trap sender from following link.
Now Edit input file and change ip address of remote host where you want to send snmp traps.
Change "-d" to your destination host.
execute like as under
root@localhost:~#./trapgen -f input
 AND same time check the syslog file of remote SNMPTRAP manager syst
root@localhost:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog

Receive and handle SNMP traps on a Linux system


This is a quickstart guide on howto get an Ubuntu or Debian Linux system to listen for SNMP traps, and log them. In SNMP parlance, where' talking about configuring a linux system to be a "manager". We're not talking about how to monitor a linux host by means of SNMP.
We'll cover the basics of how to get it up and running, and provide some pointers to where to go next.


It is assumed you have a basic understanding of what SNMP is, and are looking for a generic way to collect SNMP-generated messages (a.k.a. "trap's") from 1 or more devices onto a "manager" system, for centralized monitoring.
You might be interested in a generic, linux-based solution because this allows you to connect SNMP-based monitoring to other central monitoring solutions such as a central syslog server and/or a Nagios monitoring system.
It is assumed that you have a working linux system where you want to implement this. The following guide is based on Debian Squeeze and will most likele work as-is on other Debian bases server systems such as Ubuntu. It should also work on other linux sysems, though some details such as names of packages, commands and config files may be different.

Basic Setup

                                       apt-get install snmpd
this installs a number of snmp-related tools, including snmptrapd, which is the one we need to be able to listen for "traps"
snmpbulkget    snmpdf         snmpnetstat    snmptranslate  snmpwalk
snmpbulkwalk   snmpget        snmpset        snmptrap       
snmpconf       snmpgetnext    snmpstatus     snmptrapd      
snmpd          snmpinform     snmptable      snmpusm        
snmpdelta      snmpkey        snmptest       snmpvacm   
snmptrapd does not start up by default, you need to enable it in /etc/defaults/snmp ; it will then be started by /etc/init.d/snmpd (if /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf exists

we don't need to run snmpd if we only want to recive traps, rather than monitor this system by snmp, so we can disable it:
Also have a look at the other default options : Debian sets them to "log to syslog" by default, so that traps will be reported in /var/log/syslog. This is OK for us (for now)
snmptrapd will not accept any traps unless they're "authorized" in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf :

# simple test catch-all for any trap that has community=public
authCommunity log,execute,net public
Restart snmpd to get all the changes applied, then check if it works by sending a test trap (from the local host, and from a remote system) :
  • local :
                                                                  snmptrap -v1 -c public localhost . 0 0 "" "" . s "hello"
  • remote:
                                                                        snmptrap -v1 -c public myserver . 0 0 "" "" . s "hello" 
result : /var/log/syslog should now show te submitted trap msg :

May 1 12:35:00 localhost snmptrapd[1594]: 2013-05-01 12:35:00 UDP: []:51633->[]) TRAP, SNMP v1, community public#012# Cold Start Trap (0) Uptime: 0:26:53.33#012# = STRING: "hello"
this shows snmptrapd is working: it is capable of receiving snmp traps and handling them (in this case: logging them to syslog)

Further configuration

further config will involve :
  1. define traps on the monitored hosts
  2. add appropriate authorization config for those hosts in /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf  see

More on Trap Handling


Now you have snmptrapd logs in local syslog file. By configuring SYSLOG server you can integrate your snmp traps in a centralised syslog configuration.


You can integrate SNMP trap with nagios to monitor traps using snmp traps and will improve your monitoring. See SNMP Trap monitoring in nagios

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