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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fetchmail configuration to download mail from gmail

Downloading the Mail

                 Downloading the mail is perhaps the most complex part of this exercise but take it one step at a time, Gentle Reader, and it becomes quite logical. First step is to download and setup the required SSL certificates, then to setup fetchmail and finally to setup procmail.

Download the SSL Certificates

                     The debacle of the Gmail "expired certificate" saga of August 2008 has prompted me to completely rewrite this section and to reconsider the method I have advocated in the past. I will demonstrate a method to create your own certificate pack directly from the Mozilla's source tree using Daniel Stenberg's amazing perl script and then extract the required certificates from this certificate pack. This script is part of the newest version of cURL but I give the directions here to download it from gitweb for those like myself who are on older versions. To run this script you will need perl installed as well as the perl-libwww modules which can be easily picked up by installing Bundle::LWP:

$ mkdir -pv $HOME/.certs
$ cd $HOME/.certs
$ touch Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.pem
$ touch Equifax_Secure_CA.pem
$ wget
$ perl

This will generate a full certificate pack named ca-bundle.crt. We need to extract two certificates, the first is the "Thawte Premium Server CA" certificate which should be saved in the file we have just created:Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.pem. I show the certificate here for any who has trouble with the perl script, although it is always best to generate the certificate yourself:

The second is the "Equifax Secure CA" certificate which should be saved in the file we have just created:Equifax_Secure_CA.pem. Again I show the certificate here for any who has struggled with the perl script:

And finally to rehash the certificates so Openssl knows how to find them:
$ c_rehash $HOME/.certs/
I should mention as well that many distros have a bundle of CA certificates with a package name something like "ca-certificates" that can also be used in place of these reasonably complex instructions. I shall point out how this bundle can be utilised further on in the guide. This completes the SSL configuration and now onto lighter matters with the required steps to setup fetchmail.

Setting up fetchmail

Fetchmail is fairly easy to use and setup, particularly as the hard yards have already been done with the SSL certificates. You will need to create the file $HOME/.fetchmailrc and then add the following information for accessing the Gmail server:
with proto POP3                 
user '
there with password 'ishvar
is '
shankar' here                         
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"   
no keep                            
sslcertpath /home/
It is almost too obvious to point out, Gentle Reader, that you will need to substitute your own details for password, username, email address etc. Those who have installed a CA certificate bundle through their distro's repository will need to change the sslcertpath setting to somehing like /etc/ssl/certs according to the installation path of the certificate bundle. There remains a final touch, since the username and password are openly in this file you should make the file readable only by the file owner:
$ chmod 600 ~/.fetchmailrc
Now would be a good to time also to make sure you have POP forwarding enabled in your Gmail account. You will find this in: Settings - Forwarding and POP at the web interface of Gmail. Note as well that you cannot remove mail from Gmail servers via POP3 but you can choose to have your messages archived, kept or deleted once they have been downloaded via POP3. This is a Gmail setting hidden in Settings - Forwarding and POP: "When messages are accessed with POP..."

Setting up procmail

procmail is the final link in the chain for downloading mail. Before setting it up there is a little bit of outstanding business to attend to: setting the $MAIL environmental variable so that all software that deals with mail knows where the delivery point is. Add the following to ~/.bashrc making the obvious substitution for username:
# Sets the Mail Environment Variable
shankar && export MAIL
procmail will now know the location of the default mail spool and will deliver all mail to there that has not been sorted to other locations. But the creation of a $HOME/.procmailrc is still required and I give an example below. I have also added a sample filtering recipe for the mutt user mailing list to give the very beginning of what can be a complex process:
# Recipes below this comment:

* ^TOmutt-user

The single filtering recipe means that procmail delivers all email addressed to "mutt-user" directly to $HOME/mail/mutt. Allother mail goes to the default location /var/spool/mail/username as specified by $MAIL environmental variable. If for some reason you are averse to adding this to ~/.bashrc, Gentle Reader, I have demonstrated above how to add this to~/.procmailrc with the DEFAULT setting. For the definitive guide to further recipes, and guidance on much more complex recipes, don't forget to run man procmailex, it all starts to make sense after a while.

Sending the Mail

I have formerly been an advocate for the simple MTA ssmtp, which some would call a Mail Sending Agent (MSA). However I believe that development of ssmtp has ceased and I have moved with some regret on to msmtp. A single configuration file is required for msmtp: $HOME/.msmtprc and the following section gives the required details to access Gmail and reference the required certificate:
account default         
port 587                
tls on                  
tls_starttls on         
# tls_trust_file /home/
tls_trust_file /home/
auth on                
logfile ~/.msmtp.log

I need not mention again, Gentle Reader, that there should be some fairly obvious changes here to substitute your ownusername, password and email address? For those who have installed a bundle of CA certificates from their distro's repository the tls_trust_file setting will need to be changed to something like /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crtdepending on the exact installation path of the certificate bundle. And then the final touch, since the username and password are openly in this file, you should make the file readable only by the file owner:
$ chmod 600 ~/.msmtprc
msmtp is a great program that has many features that quite frankly I am still exploring, feel free to point out anything that I have missed, there is an email link at the base of this page for that purpose. But now finally to Mutt:

Reading the Mail

June 14th 2009 saw the release of a "Development" version of Mutt: 1.5.20 and it is this version that I have used for this page. Although labelled as a pre-release version I have found it very stable and I suspect you will as well. Mutt is driven by the file$HOME/.muttrc and I spent some time building this file from scratch but for you, Gentle Reader, I include here a morebasic version, similar to the one I started from. Some parts of this, such as aliases and colors, are sourced from their own file so don't forget to create these files.
# Boring details
set realname = "
set from = ""
set use_from = yes
set envelope_from ="yes"

# Use a signature
set signature="~/.signature"

# Use msmtp rather than sendmail. Check that
# the path is correct for your system:
set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"

# If not set in ~/.bashrc:
set spoolfile = /var/spool/mail/

# Folders
set folder="$HOME/mail"      # Local mailboxes stored here
set record="+sent"           # Where to store sent messages
set postponed="+postponed"   # Where to store draft messages
set mbox_type=mbox           # Mailbox type
set move=no                  # Don't move mail from spool

# Watch these mailboxes for new mail, useful only if
# Procmail or Maildrop is used to sort mail.
mailboxes ! +slrn +
fetchmail +mutt
set sort_browser=alpha    # Sort mailboxes by alpha(bet)

# What to show and order of headers
ignore *
unignore Date: From: User-Agent: X-Mailer X-Operating-System To: \
        Cc: Reply-To: Subject: Mail-Followup-To:
hdr_order Date: From: User-Agent: X-Mailer X-Operating-System To: \
       Cc: Reply-To: Subject: Mail-Followup-To:
# which editor do you want to use?
# vim of course!
set editor="vim -c 'set tw=70 et' '+/^$' "
set edit_headers=yes      # See the headers when editing

# Aliases

set alias_file = ~/mail/mutt_aliases # In their own file
source ~/mail/mutt_aliases           # Source them
set sort_alias=alias                 # Sort alphabetically

# Colours: defaults are a little bleak so experiment!

source ~/mutt/mutt_colors            # In their own file

# Lists: An example using the mutt-users list:

lists mutt-users
subscribe mutt-users
set followup_to=yes        # Sets 'Mail-Followup-To' header
set honor_followup_to=yes
fcc-hook mutt-user +mutt   # See your own posts using fcc

# Odds and ends

set markers          # mark wrapped lines of text in the pager with a +
set smart_wrap       # Don't wrap mid-word
set pager_context=5  # Retain 5 lines of previous page when scrolling.
set status_on_top    # Status bar on top.
push <show-version>  # Shows mutt version at startup

I have been taken to task somewhat by one reader of this page who felt there should be a little more information about Mutt and colors and so ...

Coloring in Mutt

If your terminal supports color, and I believe it is a rarity these days for this not to be case, you can color almost any aspect of the Mutt window. All the fine details are in the Mutt manual: "Section 3: Configuration 8: Using color and mono video attributes". But I can tell you, Gentle Reader, that the basic usage is:
color   object   foreground   background
This can be made a lot more compilcated but a simple start is a good start. The basic colors are white, black, green, magenta, blue, cyan, yellow, red and default but you can also prefix a foreground color with "bright" to make the color bold. Now I personally use a Terminal with a white background so my own colors are:
#---- Mutt Colors for White Background -------
color    hdrdefault    black           default
color    quoted        red             default
color    signature     brightblack     default
color    indicator     brightwhite     red
color    attachment    black           default
color    error         red             default
color    message       blue            default
color    search        brightwhite     magenta
color    status        brightyellow    blue
color    tree          red             default
color    normal        blue            default
color    tilde         green           default
color    bold          brightyellow    default
color    markers       red             default

There should also be a file called colors.default installed as part of your Mutt installation which is intended for Terminals with white backgrounds, this might also furnish a starting point as it did once for me. Just to balance out the equation a little I will also give the colors for those who prefer a black background. This example is taken directly from another sample filecolors.linux which should be installed along with Mutt:
#---- Mutt Colors for Black Background -------
color   hdrdefault   blue              black
color   quoted       blue              black
color   signature    blue              black
color   attachment   red               black
color   message      brightred         black
color   error        brightred         black
color   indicator    black             red
color   status       brightgreen       blue
color   tree         white             black
color   normal       white             black
color   markers      red               black
color   search       white             black
color   tilde        brightmagenta     black
color   index        blue              black ~F
color   index        red               black "~N|~O"

If you don't like either of these feel free to experiment a little and come up with your own, most Mutt users will alter these basic colors. I prefer mine simple but if you pull out the manual you will see that you can spend many hours getting it exactly as you want. 

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